IVF in Istanbul

IVF in Istanbul

IVF in Istanbul

IVF in Istanbul

In vitro fertilization (IVF) or microinjection (ICSI) is a fertility treatment that mixes sperms and eggs in a laboratory environment and then transfers the embryos to a female's uterus to develop and produce a baby. During IVF in Istanbul, eggs are extracted from the woman's ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory with sperms. The fertilized eggs, called as embryos, are subsequently returned to the woman's womb to grow and develop. 

If you have IVF problems, such as ovulation or poor ovulation, clogged channels, endometriosis, or a decrease in sperm count or motility, your spouse may be able to help you become pregnant. If everything seems to be in order and all other basic treatments have failed, IVF therapy may still be a viable option. This is referred to as "unknown infertility." 

IVF in Istanbul

Given the high expenses of care in Europe and North America for infertility treatments, IVF searches in Turkey are also cost effective. For many families, IVF in Turkey is a low-cost alternative. Turkey's facilities provide tempting choices for becoming parents, including a large number of state-of-the-art clinics and seasoned and well qualified fertility specialists. The cost of IVF treatment varies depending on the fertility clinic in Istanbul. In Turkey, the cost of IVF treatment varies between €1,700 and €2,200. However, the price is considerably lower than in Europe and the United States. Why have individuals chosen reproductive treatment in Istanbul? Price is a different factor. 

Every six months, the Turkish Ministry of Health conducts legal audits of IVF facilities. You have control over your facilities, personnel, physical environment, and records. The Health Ministry revokes the clinic license for failing to follow the rules and regulations. Both fertility clinics in Turkey provide the Ministry of Health with all patient files, data, and outcomes of IVF treatment on a daily basis. 

Are you thinking about having IVF in Turkey? Turkey is becoming more popular as an international IVF treatment destination. There are approximately 140 IVF facilities in Turkey, and the cheap cost and exotic surroundings make it appealing for fertility therapy. 

IVF treatment in Turkey

Unlike the other nations mentioned on this page for IVF abroad, Turkey's regulations prohibit the donation of eggs, sperm, or embryos. As a result, only IVF using one's own eggs and sperm is permitted. While this may seem to be a constraint, the cost of IVF treatment in Turkey may be half that of the UK, making Turkey a viable option. 

Turkey IVF clinics 

Because Turkey is not a member of the European Union, fertility clinics in Turkey are not subject to the EU Tissues and Cells Directive. However, fertility facilities in Turkey follow government regulations regarding IVF therapy (this page can be translated). A visa is required for the majority of UK travellers to enter Turkey. It is simple to get, costs about £20, and is good for three months. Similar visa restrictions apply to tourists from other countries, such as the United States. While you are in Istanbul, do not forget the check the city of history! You’ll find many amazing attractions such as Basilica Cistern, Hagia Sophia and more!

Cost of IVF in Turkey

In comparison to other European nations, the legislation in Turkey is very stringent in terms of who is authorized to be treated and which therapies are permitted. IVF in Turkey is only available to married couples who use their own sperm and eggs. It's against the law to treat single women and lesbian couples. Although there is no legal age restriction for treatment, since donor eggs or embryos are not accessible, only a woman's own eggs may be utilized in therapy. As a result, many clinics will not treat women beyond the age of 46. In Turkey, the average cost of IVF therapy is $2,500.

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By Iamistanbul
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