Our curriculum includes everything we do both in and outside of the classroom. Our perspective on education, reflected in our curriculum, is that we are not filling a bucket, but rather lighting a fire. We cannot possibly teach everything that is to be learned. Thus, we endeavor to teach students to “learn how to learn” by giving them the skills to do so. Most importantly, we aim to instill in our students a love of learning as a passionate pursuit in and of itself. Our curriculum is centered on teaching our students how to take control of their own learning. We focus on teaching students to ask the right questions and be confident searching for answers. By developing “critical skills” in our students, we prepare them for their journey as learners for the rest of their lives. Students are welcomed into an environment that is engaging, challenging, inspiring, and nurturing. Learning experiences are created that foster inspiration, promote the development of a core set of academic skills and learning habits, and that encourage students to ask questions, explore and identify their core values and passions. Based on the slogan “inspiring leaders of change”, and trying to apply our school’s mission and vision, we designed our curriculum that is seeking for helping our students to achieve wisdom. That is why our work was mainly directed to build our learner’s personality through developing the seven aspects of:
- Knowledge & Thoughts
- Language & Communication
- Attitude & Ethics
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Strength & Health
- Crafts & Skills
- Habits & Tidiness.